
I have started this bankruptcy blog to provide consumers with up-to-date and accurate information concerning Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

I have been a Rochester, New York, bankruptcy lawyer since 1996, helping people in Rochester, Monroe County, and nearby counties, to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.  My clients come from different levels of income and file for bankruptcy for many different reasons, such as loss of a job, credit card bills, illness, or medical bills.

My goal with every bankruptcy is to help you get out of debt and re-build your life.

By representing clients in bankruptcy court, I became familiar with the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and also other federal and state laws that may impact my clients – the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Truth In Lending Act, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, and others.

I utilize modern technology to make the process streamlined and efficient.  My entire bankruptcy practice is mostly paperless, which means I can access any and all files almost anywhere.  Phone system, fax, voice mail, email and other technology allow me to keep the clients aware of what I am doing.

I also represent clients in Family Law matters, and if you are interested, you can read my New York Family Law blog at rochesterfamilylawyer.korotkinlaw.com.  My main website is www.korotkinlaw.com.

So if you’re having problems and need some help, contact me to discuss how I may be able to help you.